Showing posts with label Bear. Show all posts

Bigfoot Or Jacobs Creature Caught On Pennsylvania Trail Cam? - Breakdown

James 'Bobo' Fay of Finding Bigfoot fame posted this picture to his Twitter page recently. Could this be the return of the Jacobs Cr...

Snowboarder Girl Chased By Bear (Breakdown)

This video of a woman being chased by a bear while on her snowboard has been circulating around the interwebs. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown ...

Shocking Bigfoot Vs. Bear Video - Breakdown

Here is a look at a video posted to youtube of a bear and a bigfoot fighting by our friend Phil Poling of Parabreakdown. He gives us the ful...

Is This A Bear Walking On The Surface Of Mars?

This bear-like animal was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. What do you think? Is this a bear walking on the surface of Mars? We...

Giant Mutant Monster Bears

A look into horrific reports of bear attacks, from Alaska to New Jersey, focusing on witness accounts and physical remains that may be evide...