Showing posts with label Before. Show all posts

Advanced Alien Civilizations Existed Before Us: New Study

Scientists at the university of Rochester revised the famous drake equation and says intelligent alien civilizations exited before us. What ...

5 Videos & Photos Taken Just Before Creepy Unsolved Cases & Mysteries

From the Dyatlov Pass Incident to the mysterious death of Tom Thomson, here are 5 videos & photos taken just before creepy unsolved case...

Top 5 Mysterious UFO Crashes That Happened Before Roswell

Some skeptics would have you believe that the Roswell UFO crash set the trend for reporting this type of strange event. But that�s not true....

10 Haunting Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster

Top 10s presents the most scary and haunting photos taken moments before disaster. From a deadly parkour accident, to a man photographing hi...