Showing posts with label Black Holes. Show all posts

10 Mysterious Space Discoveries

Since 1925 we've known that our universe is constantly expanding. But recent studies show it's expanding much faster than we thought...

The 7 Ways to Time Travel

Yes, time travel is possible. One of man's most fascinating and controversial fantasies is more than just science fiction: it's real...

Black Holes May Be Possible Portals To Another Universe

Black holes get their name from the fact that nothing escapes them, but Stephen Hawking now thinks that there could be a way out of a black ...

Bigfoot Caught On Tape In Payson Canyon, Utah

This week Chris and Richard look at the super massive black hole  and the Payson Canyon Bigfoot footage. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED. and che...

Forbidden Archeology of Ancient Star Travellers

Forbidden Archeology of Ancient Ancient Star Travellers travels to Africa to find out why the Dogon, a primitive tribe knows so much about a...

10 Mind Blowing Facts About Black Holes

From being spaghettified to nothing, even light, escaping its grasp, here are 10 amazing facts about black holes.

10 Unsolved Mysteries of Space

Strange noises from the depth of space, unexplained gas bubbles circling the earth, and mysterious moons are just three of the unexplained s...

Time Traveler John Titor's Original Call In To Art Bell

This is the audio from the Art Bell show supposedly of John Titor, a time traveler from the year 2037, calling in. This is from 1997 long be...