Showing posts with label Magic. Show all posts

5 Videos Of Magic Tricks & Performances Gone Horribly Wrong

To successfully pull off a dangerous magic trick. for example, being buried alive. A lot of planning and rehearsal are needed, Most of the t...

10 Magicians Who Died While On Stage

Sometimes magic tricks can go horribly wrong. Here is a look at ten magicians who dies while on stage. and check this out... THIS WEBCAST IS...

5 Magic Tricks Gone Horribly Wrong - Dark5

Dark5tv presents 5 dangerous magical feats and their terrible fails... and check this out...

Top 10 Comic Book Characters Who Use Magic

Top 10 Comic Book Characters Who Use Magic. Here is a look at all the Characters who not only get their powers from magical sources, but wie...

5 Magic Tricks Gone Horribly Wrong

Dark5tv presents 5 dangerous magical feats and their terrible fails...