Showing posts with label Tsunami. Show all posts

Security camera shows �tsunami victim ghost� follow man into a cab (video)

Taxi drivers in Japan have been reporting ghost passengers in areas worst hit by the 2011 tsunami.   Now it appears one may have been capt...

Taxi Drivers in Japan Report 'Ghost Passengers' in Tsunami-ravaged Area

Taxi drivers in Japan claim to have picked up the ghosts of those killed in the 2011 tsunami. What do you think? and check this out...

Taxi Drivers still plagued by "Ghostly" passengers in Japan

A taxi driver in north-east Japan picks up a passenger in an area devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. He starts the meter and ask...

Tsunami survivors in Japan haunted by ghosts turn to exorcists. (video)

HIGASHI-MATSUSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) - The tsunami that engulfed northeastern Japan two years ago has left some survivors believing they ar...