Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts

"Ghost Man" photobombs a girls selfie in Georgia (video)

A recent birthday fishing trip yielded more than a record-breaking catch for the birthday boy, after what some are calling a �ghost man� t...

Mysterious creature filmed swimming up a Alaskan River (video)

At various times of year, Bureau of Land Management Fairbanks District Office Public Affairs Specialist Craig McCaa likes to go down to the...

Woman captures ghost of a child waving on camera (video)

Louise Murphy and her son Owen visited the Riverside Museum's Victorian-themed street and were shocked to discover they had a captured ...

Statue of Jesus opens and closes eyes on camera (video)

Strange footage has appeared online that shows a statue of Jesus opening and closing its eyes. The video was captured inside the chapel of...

Spooky footage shows a trolley being guided around a warehouse (video)

A spooky specter may have been caught on camera in this video, as a trolley appears to come to life. The supernatural event is recorded on a...

Unexplained howls spark Bigfoot hunt in Canada (video)

A big, hairy mystery is unfolding in a remote community off the coast of northern Vancouver Island. Alert Bay residents have been repor...

�Nosferatu� Director's Head Stolen From Grave, possible witchcraft involved

German news outlets are reporting that the head of � Nosferatu � director F.W. Murnau has been stolen from his family plot in a cemetery in...

My Uncle, The Jesey Devil

IF YOU WERE TO CRACK a phone book in South Jersey and drag your finger along the pages in the "L" section, you'd find rows ...

Ghostly apparition photobombs fishermans catch

THERE are spooky goings-on after the unexpected appearance of a ghostly apparition in a pon...

'Haunted' house for rent in Liverpool listed on

A house in Toxteth reportedly haunted by a 135-year-old poltergeist that has �lifted a woman out of her bed� is up for rent. Situated in P...

Mysterious ghost light or ball lightning during good weather (video)

At around 4am in Zaporozhye in Southeast Ukraine, a mysterious ball of light appeared on the CCTV footage of a synagogue. The strange orb w...

Mysterious unexplained lights spotted over San Diego (video)

Did you see those mysterious lights southwest of San Diego on Tuesday night ? (April 28, 2015) A viewer sent us several photos he took, cap...

The legend of the SS Ourang Medan Ghost Ship (video)

The SS Ourang Medan was a Dutch cargo ship that sent out a distress call, but by the time help arrived the entire crew were dead with thei...

Was a Neanderthal shot by a time traveller?

ONE day in 1922, near Broken Hill, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), a skull was found. When it came to the attention of the British Museu...