Showing posts with label Woods. Show all posts

Werewolf Woods: Real Dogman Encounter

A woman on a solo camping trip in the woods of Wisconsin for a peaceful weekend. She hikes in and finds the perfect spot, sets up camp and s...

3 True Scary Cabin in the Woods Stories

Something terrifying is scratching at your cabin door . . .Tonight, we have 3 true scary stories about cabins in the woods. When the sun goe...

Dogman Stalks Teens Staying In Cabin

In the winter of 1969-1970 three teens were watched by something while staying in a cabin on the back roads of Michigan. This is the story. ...

The Cannock Chase Werewolf

People have encountered a wolf-like being in the Cannock Chase area of the UK. What is this creature? and check this out...

5 Creepiest Things Found in the Woods - Dark5

Strange lights, unidentified creatures, abandoned bunkers, deserted numbers stations, and creepy cults... Dark5 presents 5 of the scariest t...