CNN wonders whether something 'Supernatural' happened to Malaysian Plane (video)

CNN anchor Don Lemon and Decoded host Brad Meltzer bandied about the idea Sunday afternoon that something "beyond our understanding" happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370, that "something" being perhaps supernatural maybe?

"Especially today, on a day when we deal with the supernatural," Lemon said. "We go to church, the supernatural power of God...people are saying to me, why aren't you talking about the possibility � and I'm just putting it out there � that something odd happened to this plane, something beyond our understanding?"

"People roll their eyes at conspiracy theories, but what conspiracy theories do is they ask the hardest, most outrageous questions sometimes, but every once in a while they're right," Meltzer said.

"You can say, 'Oh, it crashed into the ocean,'" Meltzer continued. "But where are the parts? Where are the pieces? Why did it keep going for seven hours? Why do you have a guy on board who gives his watch and his ring to his wife and says 'Keep these for my boys in case something happens to me'? And that's not some stranger, he was a mechanical engineer. Something smells wrong."

"I'm not one of those believers that aliens came down or anything like that," Meltzer added. "But you do have to stop and wonder: how does a jet-liner with 200 people on it just disappear?"

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Related : CNN wonders whether something 'Supernatural' happened to Malaysian Plane (video)