Ghostly cat now haunts the Perkins Stone Mansion in Ohio

Simon Purrkins the cat
AKRON, Ohio � The people who run Perkins Stone Mansion are used to things that go bump in the night.
But things that dart into people�s paths and brush against their legs are another matter.

For about a year and a half, staff members and volunteers at the Summit County Historical Society have reported encountering what they believe is the ghost of a dark-colored cat in the reputedly haunted mansion just west of downtown.

Sometimes they see a cat�s form. Sometimes they hear a meow or a distinctive sneeze. One felt something brush against his leg during, of all things, a paranormal tour.

They think they know who the mysterious resident is: the spirit of Simon Purrkins, a black cat who once prowled the mansion�s grounds as the historical society�s unofficial chief executive.

The sightings started around June 2013, some eight months after Simon died. �I just thought that was coincidental,� said Leianne Neff Heppner, the society�s executive director and one of the many humans Simon once held in thrall.

That Simon would return makes perfect sense to her. He lived a big part of his life in the historical society�s offices and on its grounds, from the time employees rescued him as a skittish kitten in 1998 until he moved East with his human family in 2009.

Read Full Story: Arizona Daily Sun

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Related : Ghostly cat now haunts the Perkins Stone Mansion in Ohio