Demon ghost caught on camera at Christmas party

AN evil black-eyed child ghost has been captured on film sitting at a table during a Christmas party.

A pair of terrified teens spotted the demon after taking the snap at a pub.

Spooked pals Sophie Killip and Kayleigh Lomas, both 19, had met up for a festive get-together at the boozer.

But they were left horrified when the spectre appeared at one of the party tables in the photograph.

The dark-haired child, who appears to have cuts on her head and be wearing old fashioned clothes, seems to be staring straight at the camera from sunken eyes.

Spooked Sophie, a student, said: �The table was just one down from us and nobody was sat there so we took a photo of the decorations because they were really nice.

�There was nothing there at the time but when we looked back at the photo we couldn�t believe it.

�It looked like a little girl staring directly back at us.

�I didn�t believe in ghosts until I saw this photo.

�No-one was sitting at this table yet there is most definitely something paranormal in the photo.�

The pair took the photo at Harry�s Bar and Grill in Newcastle. And Sophie sent it to a friend who �reads� ghost photos.

The pal admitted it was the �clearest evidence she had ever seen�.

Read Full Story: Daily Star UK 

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