Michigan's Paulding Lights still an unexplained mystery (video)

PAULDING � �I can see it right now!� Bob Anderson said excitedly, staring into the trees.
It was a cool summer evening, and the 61-year-old from L�Anse had brought a few of his fishing buddies down a dead-end road into the Ottawa National Forest to see the famous, mysterious phenomenon known as the Paulding Light, which is said to appear frequently at a remote spot in the woods of the western Upper Peninsula.

Those who�ve seen it say it�s a bright white light, glowing deep inside the woods, changing size and shape before fading into the darkness.

�Right now, down at the bottom of the gap � see it?� he asked. The other three guys craned their necks and tried to spot it, but didn�t. They looked unconvinced.

Anderson wasn�t deterred. �I took a lot of skeptics down here, made them believers� he said.

For half a century, the Paulding Light has been a legend in the Upper Peninsula. But it�s not easy to find. You have to take narrow U.S.-45 to Paulding, which is a tiny speck of a town near the Wisconsin border. Then turn down unmarked Robbins Pond Road � also known as the remnant of old U.S.-45 � which is now little more than a gravel road encroached on its sides by the creeping forest. About a half mile in, it dead ends at a guardrail overlooking a tree-filled valley where the former highway vanishes into the woods.

Read Full Story: Detroit Free Press

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Related : Michigan's Paulding Lights still an unexplained mystery (video)