Family claims to capture the legendary chupacabra in Texas (video)

A Texas family claims they've captured the elusive "chupacabra," a mythical creature that supposedly attacks livestock. 

According to legend, chupacabras suck the blood of cows and goats. Although there's never been real evidence the creature exists, sightings of chupacabras have been reported from Latin America to the southern U.S.

In the back woods of Ratcliffe, a small town in DeWitt County in South Texas, residents are certain they've found the mythical, despicable chupacabra, and this time, it's alive.

Jackie Stock said her husband caught the creature Sunday night.

"He called me to come and look, and I said, 'Bubba, that looks like a baby chupacabra,'" said Stock.
With its hairless back, large claws, countless teeth and ferocious growl, many would say this animal fits the bill.

"I hunted coons for 20 years with dogs and I ain't never seen nothing looks like that right there," said Arlen Parma, who captured the critter.

Parma said one of the biggest signs it's not a raccoon is its growl.

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Related : Family claims to capture the legendary chupacabra in Texas (video)