Ghost haunts Michigan Harbor Lighthouse (video)

Ghost stories�we tell them around campfires to awe and entertain. But for those who�ve experienced the truly eerie, they cease to be tales and become haunting reality. The Marquette Harbor Lighthouse is home to its own restless spirit, a young girl who�s been seen staring out the tower window.

�Once we began doing tours up there, strange things began happening, at least the reports from some of our folks giving the tours, to include the imagery, for example, of a young girl looking out the window; another image seen of a young girl on the catwalk,� maritime historian Fred Stonehouse said. �These were seen by different tour folks, under different conditions. Whether they�re seeing something real or something of their imagination, of course, we have no way of knowing.�

�It�s a little girl; her name is Jessie,� Marquette Maritime Museum assistant director Taylor Adams said. �She�s got red hair and green eyes and she�s barefoot. She wears a little Sunday-best dress, looks about from the 1910s or so.�

The little girl�s presence is made all the more eerie by the fact that there is no recorded death of a girl at the lighthouse.

Read Full Story: ABC 10 News

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Related : Ghost haunts Michigan Harbor Lighthouse (video)