Now that selectmen have allowed a ghost-hunting group to investigate the building, board members may just learn whether the building is truly haunted, or not.
In March, the selectmen unanimously approved the Quabbin Valley Paranormal Society conduct an investigation of Town Hall auditorium, stage, balcony and front foyer. The investigation is scheduled for mid-May.
Ingrid Pollard, the group�s public relations director, told selectmen �We will come in and debunk� the ghost stories if there is no substance to them.
�I�m very excited about the investigation,� Pollard said in an interview after the meeting. �We have been hearing these stories for years and years and years and years.�
She said the group has also investigated the Orange Historical Society at 41 North Main St. on several occasions, and has determined there are spirits there. �They get a lot of donated items, so the spirits come in on those ... every time we go in there, we get something different,� Pollard said.
During an investigation, she explained, QVPS members come into the building and set up video, audio and electromagnetic recording equipment.
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