Unexplained howls spark Bigfoot hunt in Canada (video)

A big, hairy mystery is unfolding in a remote community off the coast of northern Vancouver Island.

Alert Bay residents have been reporting strange screams and howls coming from a forest that surrounds the town � and some think they could be coming from a sasquatch.

Mackenzie Mountain said he recently recorded the unusual sounds on his cell phone at night on the backside of Cormorant Island.
�We were on the back porch up on the back road and we heard it once, and I didn�t get the recording, and the second time I got the recording,� he said. �That was on the back porch. Very eerie.�

Mountain isn�t the only one who has heard the unsettling howls.

�This summer I�ve heard it three times, I�ve heard it scream three times. But it�s been coming here for years,� said resident Rod Alfred.

Whatever has been making the noise is heard primarily at night, and while some have dismissed it as a dog, others say that�s impossible.

�With that volume, absolutely no dog can make that kind of a noise with that volume,� said Art Dick, who has heard the sounds coming from right outside his home.

 Read Full Story: CTV News Vancouver Island

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Related : Unexplained howls spark Bigfoot hunt in Canada (video)