Man captures photo of a little girl in a bonnet

A BUTCHER claims to have photographed the ghost of a little girl wearing period dress and a bonnet while visiting a 900-year-old castle.

Mark Whitaker, 34, was snapping pictures on a visit to Yorkshire�s Skipton Castle when he captured the image.

It wasn�t until he returned to his home in Lancashire that he noticed a ghostly figure in the background of the picture.

The image shows a figure in a white floor-length dress and a bonnet.

Mark has released it to see what others think.

He said: �It actually sent a shiver down my spine as I didn�t see it until I transferred it to my computer.

�I think it�s a ghost of a little girl of some kind, especially with what she is wearing. She has a dress and bonnet that I think is like what they would wear two or three hundred years ago.

�But there is no physical shape, no arms or face appears.

�It looks like she is walking away from the picture past a wall that is only about two or three feet high so she must be an infant. There would have been high infant mortality rates in that period.�
Mark continued: �It has created quite a stir. Obviously with a picture like that there is lots of speculation about whether I have Photoshopped it.

�But I don�t even own Photoshop or have access to it and I don�t know how to use it even if I did.

Other people have said it is a spirit. Everyone I have shown it to have been quite taken aback by it.�

Source: Sun UK

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